Team Group Archive
Review: Team Xtreem LV DDR3 2800 MHz CL12 (2 X 4GB)
Memory, OverClocking, Review
Jan 03, 2014
Team Group Inc. has once again led the industry and released the dual-channel Xtreem LV DDR3 2800 MHz CL12. As it adopts strictly selected chips from original factories and has to pass through stringent tests and verification procedures, it is able to enhance even further its support capabilities after teaming up with
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ASRock Z87M OC Formula Breaks Memory Frequency World Record @ DDR3 4285.6MHz
Mainboard, Memory, News, OverClocking
Jun 10, 2013
The one and only ace of overclocking Nick Shih continues to push DDR3 memory frequencies to new boundaries which no man has ever set foot on. He has reached a ludicrous DDR3 4285.6MHz with ASRock’s Z87M OC Formula, the micro sized Z87 motherboard he designed specifically for OverClocking, and it all happened
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